Falling in a public place can not only be embarrassing, but often it causes injury. Where the slip or fall was caused by someone else’s negligence, you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries and any financial losses you have suffered.
Accidents caused by slips, trips or falls on public or private property are very common and we regularly bring successful compensation claims arising out of accidents in:
- Shops and supermarkets
- Offices
- Restaurants, hotels and pubs
- Car parks
Businesses and property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises safe for visitors. When they fail to do so and this leads to an accident, the injured person can claim compensation from the business or its insurer.
Most slips, trips or falls accidents are caused by:
- Wet floors due to spillages or rainwater
- Uneven flooring
- Poor lighting
- Unexpected obstacles
Many businesses think that a sign, warning of a hazard such as a wet or uneven floor, is enough for them to avoid liability. However, if the sign was not prominent or the hazard could have been fixed before the accident, they may remain liable.
Steps to take if you have suffered an injury due to a slip, trip or fall:
- Report the accident to a member of staff, or the owner, as soon as you can.
- Make sure the accident is recorded in their accident book.
- If possible, take photos of the accident locations, ideally showing what caused the accident.
- Get the name and contact details of any witnesses.
- Seek medical treatment and ensure that your injuries are medically recorded.
You may be able to claim for the following:
- Loss of earnings.
- Pain and suffering.
- Medical expenses such as, prescription charges and painkillers.
- Compensation for care and support.
- Rehabilitation.
- Reduced life expectancy.
- Ongoing illness.
- Recovery time.
- Expected lifestyle changes.
The length of slip, trip and fall claims depend on whether the other party admits fault, the severity of the injury and the extent of the claim for losses and expenses. Straightforward slip, trip and fall claims may settle within a few months, whereas complex cases may take in excess of a year.